Finance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Vernieuwde training
Deze Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Finance training werd vervangen door ons online BusinessCentralBooster leerprogramma.

1 - Set up number series
Number Series
Number Series Relationships
2 - Setup posting groups
Specific posting groups
General posting groups
General posting setup
3 - Chart of Accounts
G/L account card
G/L account categories
Chart of accounts
4 - Financial Management setup
General ledger setup
User setup
Accounting periods
5 - RapidStart Services
RapidStart Services process flow
Configuration worksheet
Configuration questionnaires
Data templates
Configuration package
Configure a new company using RapidStart Services
Data migration using RapidStart Services
Field mapping
Create missing codes
Data migration using assisted setup
6 - Setup general journal templates and batches
General journal templates, batches, and lines
Create journal templates and batches
7 - General journals
Creating journal entries
Processing journal entries
Standard journals
Recurring journals
8 - Prepayments
Set up prepayments
Assign prepayment percentages
Prepayment processing flow
Process prepayment sales and purchase orders
Correct prepayments
9 - Cash management
Bank accounts
Customer and vendors in cash management
Processing incoming and outgoing payments
Applying payments
Electronic banking
10 - Payment Discounts & Tolerances
Set up payment discounts
Process payment discounts
Set up a payment discount tolerance and payment tolerance
Process payment tolerances
11 - Reminders & finance charge memos
Set up and assign reminder terms
Set up additional fees
Create and issue reminders
Set up and assign finance charge terms
Create and issue finance charge memos
Calculate interest on reminders
12 - VAT
VAT posting groups
Set up VAT templates
Display VAT amounts in sales and purchase documents
Adjust VAT amounts in purchase invoices
Report VAT
VAT settlement
13 - Year end closing
Closing a fiscal year
Year end closing entries
14 - Cash flow forecast
Functions of the cash flow forecast
Setting up the cash flow forecast
Creating cash flow forecasts
Cash flow manual revenues and expenses
Cash flow worksheet
Cash flow forecast reporting
15 - Setup Dimensions
Dimensions and dimension values
Shortcut dimensions
Default dimensions
Dimension combinations
Dimension priorities
16 - Financial reporting & analysis
Analyze the chart of accounts
Financial statements
Account schedules
Analysis by dimensions
Finance Performance charts
17 - Budgets
General ledger budgets
Copying budgets
Exporting and importing budgets
18 - Multicurrency
Currency card and currency exchange rates
Set up multicurrency for customers, vendors, and bank accounts
Process sales and purchase documents
Adjust exchange rates batch job
Additional reporting currency
Webinar Finance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
1 - Set up number series
Number Series
Number Series Relationships
2 - Setup posting groups
Specific posting groups
General posting groups
General posting setup
3 - Chart of Accounts
G/L account card
G/L account categories
Chart of accounts
4 - Financial Management setup
General ledger setup
User setup
Accounting periods
5 - RapidStart Services
RapidStart Services process flow
Configuration worksheet
Configuration questionnaires
Data templates
Configuration package
Configure a new company using RapidStart Services
Data migration using RapidStart Services
Field mapping
Create missing codes
Data migration using assisted setup
6 - Setup general journal templates and batches
General journal templates, batches, and lines
Create journal templates and batches
7 - General journals
Creating journal entries
Processing journal entries
Standard journals
Recurring journals
8 - Prepayments
Set up prepayments
Assign prepayment percentages
Prepayment processing flow
Process prepayment sales and purchase orders
Correct prepayments
9 - Cash management
Bank accounts
Customer and vendors in cash management
Processing incoming and outgoing payments
Applying payments
Electronic banking
10 - Payment Discounts & Tolerances
Set up payment discounts
Process payment discounts
Set up a payment discount tolerance and payment tolerance
Process payment tolerances
11 - Reminders & finance charge memos
Set up and assign reminder terms
Set up additional fees
Create and issue reminders
Set up and assign finance charge terms
Create and issue finance charge memos
Calculate interest on reminders
12 - VAT
VAT posting groups
Set up VAT templates
Display VAT amounts in sales and purchase documents
Adjust VAT amounts in purchase invoices
Report VAT
VAT settlement
13 - Year end closing
Closing a fiscal year
Year end closing entries
14 - Cash flow forecast
Functions of the cash flow forecast
Setting up the cash flow forecast
Creating cash flow forecasts
Cash flow manual revenues and expenses
Cash flow worksheet
Cash flow forecast reporting
15 - Setup Dimensions
Dimensions and dimension values
Shortcut dimensions
Default dimensions
Dimension combinations
Dimension priorities
16 - Financial reporting & analysis
Analyze the chart of accounts
Financial statements
Account schedules
Analysis by dimensions
Finance Performance charts
17 - Budgets
General ledger budgets
Copying budgets
Exporting and importing budgets
18 - Multicurrency
Currency card and currency exchange rates
Set up multicurrency for customers, vendors, and bank accounts
Process sales and purchase documents
Adjust exchange rates batch job
Additional reporting currency
Wat omvat deze Business Central webinar?
In Microsoft Dynamics Business Central vormt het financieel beheer de ruggengraat van de totale bedrijfsadministratie. Financiële data moet snel en efficiënt ingegeven kunnen worden, en achteraf gebruikt kunnen worden in betekenisvolle rapporten.
De Finance track leert je een financiële administratie in Business Central te implementeren van A tot Z. We tonen hoe RapidStart het setup proces kan vergemakkelijken en wat het belang van boekingsgroepen is. Je krijgt ook antwoord op vragen zoals:
- Wat zijn dimensies en hoe ze efficiënt gebruiken?
- Hoe kan ik workflows implementeren?
- Hoe kan ik mijn toekomstige cashflow voorspellen?
Je leert bovendien hoe een dagelijkse boekhoudadministratie opgezet kan worden in Business Central, inclusief BTW, elektronisch bankieren, aanmaningen, en vreemd valutabeheer.
Check zeker de inhoudsopgave voor een volledig overzicht van alle topics.
Je kan deze training volgen voor zowel de Business Central cloud als onprem optie evenals voor Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018, 2017 en 2016 versies.
Voor wie is deze cursus bestemd?
Consultants en key users met basiskennis van Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central en NAV.
- Financieel beheer
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central