MB-280T01 - Configure Dynamics 365 Customer Experience Model-Driven Apps

MB-280T01 - Configure Dynamics 365 Customer Experience Model-Driven Apps

1 Days / Beginner
Feridun Kadir


Location: Live Virtual Training
Date: 26/02
Price: € 450,00
Location: Live Virtual Training
Date: 28/05
Price: € 450,00
Location: Live Virtual Training
Date: 18/09
Price: € 450,00
Location: Live Virtual Training
Date: 20/11
Price: € 450,00
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leverage your Companial Service Funds. Your special price for this training: € 405,00.

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What is covered by this Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM webinar?


With model-driven apps, organizations can customize their user experiences with little to no code and create powerful applications that empower their users and increase productivity. This course is designed to help students learn the skills necessary to configure the Dynamics 365 customer experience model-driven apps, which include Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.   In this course, students will learn how to create tables and columns, work with Microsoft Dataverse, and configure the user experience inside a model-driven application. This course prepares students towards the MB-280 certification exam.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are planning to attend or have attended PL-200, this course covers the same content. If you are looking for more basic information on Model-driven apps, this course is for you.

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for IT or marketing professionals who want to learn how to leverage model-driven applications, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, and Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales for their organizations.   Students should be familiar with Microsoft Power Apps and basic data modeling principles.   Students should be familiar with the Dynamics 365 customer experience suite, including Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.


Why choose for Plataan

Plataan is experienced and specialized in the online and offline creation and distribution of knowledge and learning.